Saturday, April 7, 2012

Jesus on the Cross

Jesus on the Cross
"This is a picture of Jesus. He was put on the cross, then died. The people in the town put him in the cave and put a rock in front of it. He was reborn and the thing that represents that is an egg and it is nearly Easter when we celebrate this. "

Cartography - Studio Course @ Auckland Art Gallery

"... Looking at works by Ruth Watson, the Boyle Family and Boyd Webb, children will experiment with a range of drawing, painting and collage techniques as they explore ideas around mapping and charting experiences in the Gallery."

Shocking Pink Flowers

I was astonished when Ella produced the above felt tip drawing as she really captured the colours and shading in the flowers.

Shape Game

When Ella was about 4 we purchased Anthony Browne's book "The Shape Game". We have played the shape game many times over the years and Ella finds it useful when sometimes her drawings don't go the way she wants them to. The following drawing began as Mater from "Cars" but ended up as a stiletto.

Flower Art

Ever since Ella has been able to totter around in the garden she has been interested in making art from flowers and leaves.
age 4

age 3
age 6

My Dream - Mar 2012

One morning Ella came into our bed and explained her dream in such detail that I told her to draw it. At school she plays pirate ship with her friends.

Fantasty Scapes - Studio Course @ Auckland Art Gallery

Centaur - sketch

Centaur - painting

Centaur - Embossed
Exploring a range of contemporary and historic landscape paintings in the collection, including the works of Bill Hammond, John Pule and Pieter Brueghel (The Younger), children will experiment with drawing, painting and colour as they build their own visual language and create a landscape from their imagination.
Giant Tree and Tiny City

Giant Octopus and Tiny Castle

Portrait of Mum - Feb 2012

Ella asked me to sit for this portrait.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Filling in time


cards for Snap

Trampoline & Monty

Pet Detective
While we got some training advice for our new puppy, Ella spent some time drawing....

Monty - March 2012

Steps of how Ella fell out of the Pool - Feb 2012

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Series

Over the xmas holidays Ella read The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and also saw the movie. She was so inspired by the book and movie that she drew all these pictures....


Collage with Butterflies

Emerald City - from the Wizard of Oz

Little Dutch Girl

Acrobat and Strongman at the Circus


Pooping Cow

summer at the beach

Fantastic Hats and Hairstyles - Holiday Programme Auckland Art Gallery

January 25 2012

".... Children will travel back in time as they explore the 18th-century dresses, hats and hairstyles of Henry Fuseli's portraits in the Gallery. Back in the studio, they will capture the details of a life model in costume using drawing and printing techniques."

City Lights- Holiday Programme at the Auckland Art Gallery

"...Children will explore light, colour and shape using drawing and collage techniques, as they make a work inspired by the stained glass window, Church Window, and works by Eduardo Paolozzi and Milan Mrkusich."

Green Lady at Auckland Art Gallery

During the Christmas school holidays we visited the newly opened Auckland Art Gallery, with Ella's gran who was visiting from Christchurch. Ella was quite taken by the following painting, which she took a photo of. Later that week she sat down and painted her version of it.